
legal support of your business
we help entrepreneurs to anticipate and eliminate legal problems
we reduce the damage from violation of obligations under commercial contracts
we correct legal shortcomings of contractual work and business processes
we perform reorganization, division, sale of assets, liquidation or bankruptcy of the company
we minimize financial, reputational and emotional costs in case of subsidiary and criminal liability
strengthening the rule of law, legal certainty and equal opportunity in the exercise and protection of civil rights
the task is impossible only if it is set incorrectly
the lawyer's job is to provide the client with the best result possible
we strictly observe the professional ethics of a lawyer
we honestly predict the likely outcome of the case before the start of cooperation
we don’t take on a project if we don’t see how we can help
we provide qualified and fair advice
open to useful and legitimate cooperation
we value your time and work effectively online, and if you prefer to meet in person, we will invite you to our comfortable office in Saint Petersburg, Russia
we will tell you in detail how to achieve the desired result; we can handle the case in a complex or carry out individual orders
we form prices according to the market price list, apply installments and a success fee; we collect the costs of our services from the opponent
we are aimed at achieving the goals set for us and the high authority of the law firm, therefore we work together in all cases, learn new things, exchange experience and opportunities
reasonable workload distribution and a comfortable business atmosphere are the foundation of our team, providing an effective service
over 10 years, we have built a high reputation among colleagues and trained three dozen interns, five of whom received the status of a lawyer within our bureau
lawyer, managing partner
Alexander Khazov
Alexander has 23 years of legal experience, of which 15 years he has been practicing law in the field of criminal, corporate and commercial law.
He has skills in negotiations and strategic planning in bankruptcy cases, disputes between shareholders and criminal cases of embezzlement of budget funds, including those under the state defense order.
contesting an approval of construction of a mall with a total area of 120k sq.m.; the approval was revoked by the city government for violation of the insolation rules and the environmental demands;
managing project on corporate restructuring and assets distribution in favor of the biggest Russian producer of the light protection systems;
managing the compliance of the free-to-play mobile games developing company with overall turnover of €50 millions; substantial changes were offered to the company corporate structure in order to officially optimize local and international taxes and mitigate the risk of possible fines for incorrect use of the transfer pricing in the previous periods;
representation of the oldest Russian film production company Lenfilm in negotiations with the leading manufacturer of motion picture projection equipment Cinemeccanica S.p.A. (Milano) about execution of the €14 million contract on supply of the Dolby Atmos studios;
performed comprehensive audit of mutual contractual obligations, established clear understanding of dispute perspectives for both parties and strong intention to start international mediation process.
Fluent in English and Italian.
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University: engineer
Vologda State University: jurist
Yale University, USA (advanced course "Financial Markets")
Admission to the bar
July 2006, reg.No 47/1028
Criminal law
Corporate law

lawyer, partner
Natalya Dybina
Specializes in legal support of business projects, including transactions for the acquisition and sale of commercial real estate, business, assets, elimination of legal risks of construction, operation and lease of real estate, as well as the resolution of corporate, economic and civil disputes.
She has an extensive and successful practice in representing the interests of legal entities and individuals in arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction, drafting civil law contracts of any complexity, participating in due diligence procedures, preparing legal opinions on the application of legislation.
Such experience allows Natalia to distinguish between imbalances and shortcomings of existing legal relations, predict real legal consequences when concluding transactions, develop strong contracts and achieve the desired result in any confusing situation.
led the reorganization of a large industrial holding;
ensured the adjustment and coordination of contracts with the leading marketplaces of the Russian Federation;
in a judicial proceeding, restored the registration records of heavy vehicles imported into the territory of the Russian Federation with violations of the rules of customs clearance and certification;
competent management of the project ensured timely commissioning of the construction facility worth 200 million rubles.
Admission to the bar
Date of assignment: 06/30/2014
Commercial law
Real estate and construction

The most striking and revealing cases of the bureau, in which the lawyers of the bureau showed their high professional qualities and achieved particularly good results
В экономических преступлениях важен правильный расчет
Управление ФСБ России по Санкт-Петербургу и Ленинградской области задержало троих предпринимателей за обналичивание денег (ст.172 УК РФ) на сумму 60 млрд рублей.
Тщательная разработка группы правоохранителями, обыски в 30 адресах и допросы 400 свидетелей определили единственной возможной стратегией защиты сотрудничество со следствием.
Это не помешало адвокату, используя особенности схемы обналичивания, вынудить следствие дважды переделывать экономическую экспертизу по делу и на порядок сократить размер вменяемого дохода.
За три года следствия обвиняемые ни дня не провели в СИЗО и удовлетворились условным приговором и полным возмещением незаконного дохода из арестованных денег в качестве возмещения.
Change in ID for renting a room
Sed feugiat porttitor nunc, non dignissim ipsum vestibulum in. Donec in blandit dolor. Vivamus a fringilla lorem, vel faucibus ante. Nunc ullamcorper, justo a iaculis elementum, enim orci viverra eros, fringilla porttitor lorem eros vel.
Change in ID for renting a room
Sed feugiat porttitor nunc, non dignissim ipsum vestibulum in. Donec in blandit dolor. Vivamus a fringilla lorem, vel faucibus ante. Nunc ullamcorper, justo a iaculis elementum, enim orci viverra eros, fringilla porttitor lorem eros vel.
Change in ID for renting a room
Sed feugiat porttitor nunc, non dignissim ipsum vestibulum in. Donec in blandit dolor. Vivamus a fringilla lorem, vel faucibus ante. Nunc ullamcorper, justo a iaculis elementum, enim orci viverra eros, fringilla porttitor lorem eros vel.